The Classic Conversations!
Welcome to the new "Classic Conversations". This is the first edition of them too. Well, this on top of the Quotable Quotes, I'm going to be pretty busy!.
Kiel & I in Biology class on June 8, 2001
KADE~"You see that's why you don't put your head in a microwave!"
Me~"Why? I do it all the time."
KADE~"Well that explains alot."
Me~"Now what's that sapoused to mean?"
Tyler, Scott & I sitting at the same table in geography class on June 13, 2001
Me~"Tyler! I think Scott wants you."
Tyler~"You can tell Scott to kiss my ass!"
Me~"Ummm, ok. Hey Scott, Tyler has an offer for you."
Scott~"Ok, let's hear it!"
Steven and I distroying an ants nest at his house on June 30, 2001
Steven~ "There! Takes care of that ant's nest!"
Me~ "Let's just hope you don't kill the grass as well."
Steven~ "Why? We didn't do that much to it."
Me~ "No, we just put fly dope on, set it on fire, then dumped acid on it."
Tyler and I playing pool on Canada Day 2001
Tyler~ "Hitting off the older women, are we?"
Me~ "Are you jelous 'cause I'm better at it than you?"
Tyler~ "Uummm, no. Why don't you ask her out?"
Me~ "Because I'm afraid she'll say yes."
Kade and I talking on ICQ on August 4 2001
Me~ "Actualy, Marbbles is laying in the corner drunk at the moment. To tell you the truth, he might be dead. I guess I should go check."
Kade~ "Poke him in the eye. He'll blink if he's alive."
Kade~ "Well he moaned, I think that's good."
Zach and I in Tim Horton's on August 24, 2001
Zach~ "That paramedics pager is going off. Shouldn't he be going to save some dead person or somthing?"
Me~ "They're probably dead now."
Tyler and Kendall the first day of school at lunch hour, September 6, 2001
Kendall~ "I did something the other night to make my dad laugh so hard he cried!"
Tyler~ "What did you do, take your shirt off?"
Paul and I at the dance september 6, 2001
Me~ "I helped an injured person once."
Paul~ "Really! What did you do?"
Me~ "I gave him a band-aid and told him to go home."
The Filming of "The Alien Hunter" October 23, 2001
Me~ "What did you just do Ben?"
Ben~ "I ran into a tree!"
Zach and Terry talking at lunch hour about Ben's 'women'. December 3, 2001
Terry~ "Ben only dates the women in the 300 club."
Zach~ "500! 500 club. Get it right."
Lloyd and I in Mr Thomsons room at lunch hour. December 10, 2001
Me~ "I've said it once before and I'll say it agian, Lloyd, you are full of sh*t!."
Zach and I disscussing important ICQ things, December 29, 2001
Zach~"I got a new jacket, it has werid pockets, I think one is a portal to hell."
Me~ "I got a jacket to, it's protal goes to Bee-bees dress shop though, what a rip off!."
Terry and I at Zachs 'new Year' party, December 31, 2001
Terry- "I'm more agile than you think."
Me-"Rolling doesn't count."
The bus ride conversation, January 09, 2002
Jason- "Ask that guy if he scored."
Me-"Ok. Hey Paul, Jason want's to know if you scored? No wait, I was supoused to ask the hockey kid wasn't I?"
Nick's German Lessons
German Kid- "Do I have to do all these assignments?"
German Kid-"F@#K
Nick- "F@#K means thank you in german"
Goodspeed and I talking during our free on January 18, 2002
Me- "According to my ICQ thing on my web page, I'm off line."
Goodspeed- "Boy That thing is pretty accurate."
Heading to McDonalds in the Geo on March 1, 2002
Zach- "OH MY GOD! That dog has a poofy tail!"
Me- "Turn this beast around!"
Zach and I talking about things on ICQ March 5, 2002
Me- "Oooo, look at me My name is Zach! Aka Mr. History! I'm going to study boring old things that no one cares about wooo hoo. Look at me go ! And I drive a geo! Woooo!
Zach- "I'm Tyler. I'm a fire man. I start fires, and the lights and noise I get to ride in the back of the truck,
and they call me everyday at 5:30 because they own my soul!"
Me- "Damn You!"
Zach and Goodspeed at lunch hour March 07, 2002
Zach- "Am I falseifying information?"
Goodspeed- "I'm not getting involved."
Ryan and I at the Irving at closeing hour, March 09, 2002
Ryan- "Don't forget who's been the strongest since we were kids!"
Me- "Don't make me get a stick!."
Ryan- "That was your solution to everything!"
Jason, Kellie, Dan, and Myself in CMT class on April 23, 2002
Jason-"Dan sings to Backstreet Boys when in the tub."
Dan- "No I don't!
Jason- "Yes you do!"
Me- "What? Dan sings to Celine Dion in the tub?"
Dan- "NO!"
Kellie- "Do you sing in the tub?"
Me- "All the time."
Jason- "We'll call Dan, 'Elton Dan'!"
Paul and I on the bus ride home, April 26, 2002
Me~ "Party at Russels house this weekend."
Paul~ "What? Russel has a house?"
MR. Cameron and I disscussing my drama project. Can't Remember the date
Me~ "ONe drama project, done and ready to mark."
Mr Cameron~ "I can't take this!"
Me~ "Why not?
Mr Cameron~"It's a pop can with $5.00 taped to it, and it isn't even full!"