Personal Notes
This is just a small section dedicated to me. I'm not going to type up a life story, just
some standard facts. So read on.
- NAME: Tyler Mac Neil or Duncan Mackay (well I haven't been called that in a long time) or just stupid.
- BIRTHDAY: 16, August, 1983
- SCHOOL: Done park view and Trade school
- PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR: Get on with my life.
- WORK: Hebbvlle Irving Soon to change I hope
- HOBBIES: Paintball. Stratigy thinking. The arts. Acting, writing, music. I'm a drumer with some harmonica experince as well. The outdoors, parties, and fast cars.
- FAVORITE T.V. SHOWS: I can't say I really watch very much.
- FAVORITE MUSIC: I use music to express the mood I'm in. Listen to what I have playing and you know how I feel. It could be anything. Anything but the boybands.
- PAINTBALL GEAR: Angel A-5 empire B loader, and some other stuff i'm sure.