More Pictures

New pictures. Not of any piticular thing, though I hope you people have highspeed internet. There's quite a few pictures here.

Give 'er nuts Joel!

Me hard at work. Could any one have taken a worse picture?

The good 'ol Hebbville Irving!

Canada Day 2003 at Justins Place.

It's Bip P and his drink mixer.

"OI!!! Let's get started!"

It's Ash-a-ma-lee and Justin.

It's Kiel. Smile Kiel.

Paul, definatly not the life of the party anymore.

This and That

Homers Integra, which he beat up when he ditched it.

It's Gual and his Integra

Hammy and his rice.

This is Sherry.

It's Michelle

That's all I have right now. More to come.