The Quotable Quotes | This is the frist edition of the "Quotable Quotes". This page first started as a place for me to post clever things that I saw on signs or things people said on t.v. Then around mid september, just after school started, I started to post things people said around school. I never thougt it would become such a hit. This first, and probably the best edition of the Quotable Quotes, ended in late november. This led to the start of "The Return Of The Quotable Quotes" |
The Return Of The Quotable Quotes | This is the second edition of the Quotable Quotes. This as also the longest lasting edition as well. It started in late november and ended in late febuary. This edition included making fun of report cards, Lloyd, Mr Thomson, and anything else we saw fit to make fun of. The Biology crew dominated this edition however because they were the only entertianing people at the time. Then new things being said at the table in the cafeteria led to the end of this edtition in febuary. |
The Quotable Quotes (Agian) | This is the thrid edition of the Quotable Quotes. It was almost the last, because by this time I was loosing intrest in the Quotes. This edition started in March, and ended the begining of May. It ran long, but is pretty short. Plus I started to change the format of the quote pages. In the end it made it hard to read them. This was also the first edition that I lifted the language ban on. In other words Quotes with bad words in them were still posted, but edited. So there is swearing here. |
The Final Quotable Quotes 2001 | This is the last Quotable Quotes for the school year. It started in May and ended the last day of school. This was also to be the last edition ever. I was going to replace them with the Classic Conversations. But I got a lot of "Keep the quotes" and "Keep adding to the quotes page". In the end I started up a poll to see if they should stay or go. Well "Where's the beef?" won the poll so I decided to keep them. |